Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Engaging Students in an Online Environment (Module 4)

It is important to use technology in the online setting that students use in their everyday lives.  Because society has become immersed in technology that allows for quick communication and constant collaboration, online education should employ those same technologies as a means of engaging students.  The comfort level that students have developed using social technology in a non-academic manner will create a least restrictive environment in the online setting. Not only does comfort promote usage, it ensures that students are using the technology that they will continue to use in their social life and professional life (Siemens, 2008).

While it may seem that content it this context is not related because of the lack of technological tools listed, the methods listed above are directly related in that the technology used promotes the methods listed.  The tools used to ensure collaboration and communication should promote critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, a variety of assessment methods to ensure learning, and rubrics to assess learning in a fair, equitable manner (Eison & Bonwell, 2010).

This graphic organizer demonstrates the relationship between all three categories.  The combination of all three categories yield online learning experiences that will engage learners and promote learning and achievement.

Durrington, V. A., Berryhill, A., & Swafford, J. (2006). Strategies for enhancing student interactivity in an online environmentCollege Teaching, 54(1), 190−193. 

Eison, J. A., & Bonwell, C. C. (2010). Active learning strategies across the curriculum. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 364 135.

Siemens, G. (2008, January). Learning and knowing in networks: Changing roles for educators and designersITForum.


  1. What are some of your favorite technologies to use to encourage collaboration and communication in classrooms?

    1. My favorite technology to use in the classroom is WikiSpaces. I have incorporated Wiki activities into my curriculum and have enjoyed every part of it. Within the Wiki set up I can have students publish work and have students comment on other students work. Also, Wiki allows for students to collaborate on projects and edit each others work. It also has discussion capabilities that allow students to collaborate and communicate.

  2. It is interesting that you mention comfort as a means for promoting the use of technology. Do you think that students that are comfortable using certain technologies that are considered non-academic would use them in the same way and with the same frequency if they are related to academic content?

  3. All the components are necessary for having an effective online course. I do believe that collaboration is very important. Through collaboration I have learned a great deal of information. Everyone interpret the same information differently, which allows for everyone to learn from each other.

  4. John:

    Please excuse the fact that my post will be soon posted as a result of the circumstances outlined in my blog.

    I like your inference that “The tools used to ensure collaboration and communication should promote critical thinking skills and problem solving skills”. I have come across documentation dismissing such tools as text messaging systems and impairing students’ abilities to engage in serious writing activities. How do you think instructors should approach the negative effects of the technological tools or their misuse?

  5. Hi John,
    I think note taking is an effective learning strategy for students with special needs. All students in our district have to learn this skill because it is apart of the assessment benchmarks and standards in LAL.

  6. This is very good that student are engaging with online education environment because this is the future of education.
    Nice post and blog also..Thank's..

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